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I was 12 going on 13, no, wait, that won't do... Moneypenny. Miss Moneypenny. Eh, that doesn't work either. Um. How 'bout you just read my blog? That is, if you're feeling lucky. Well, do ya punk!?!


Myths, Legends, and Morons

It was just an ordinary Saturday. Went skating, walked the dogs, took care of some errands. The weather was just fantastic. I thought about reading outside but my dad was mowing the lawn as were the neighbors on either side of the house. It was just too noisy. So I decided to do some online shopping for some friends & family whose birthdays are coming-up. I found something on the Internet, a rather peculiar something. My curiosity was piqued. Let’s examine what I found, shall we?
Here is the introduction to the piece:

Lilith Fair, a popular annual music event that has featured performances by more than 100 of the world’s most fashionable and influential female musicians and female-led groups, has directed a new spotlight on the mythical character who many feminists celebrate as the first wife -- and equal -- of Adam.
Okay. Mythology is cool. Generating interest to learn something of the ancient culture of human-beings is cool. Spouses being equal is cool. At least I think so.
National Liberty Journal is presenting this article as an information tool to parents who may not wish their children to participate in a music festival that celebrates a pagan figure.
Hrm. Well, I suppose that is a parent's right. But it does seem just a wee bit religiously discriminatory. You know, in that same way as those people who protest Halloween. (Would a pagan/mythical character ban also include Zeus/Jupiter & pals [could run into that in Latin class], Gilgamesh [English class], Superman [recreational reading/TV/games], or Nike* [shoes]?) To continue…

She was later thrown out of Paradise because she refused to be subservient to Adam. When Lilith realized she would never gain equality with Adam, “she pronounced the Ineffable Name and flew away into the air,” says one version of her tale.
What a bitch!
According to her pagan legend, Lilith then dwelled with the demons of earth, with whom she bore innumerable offspring near the Red Sea. Many years later, three of God’s angels, named Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangel, discovered Lilith and ordered her to return to Adam. When she refused, Lilith witnessed the execution of 100 of her children each day, causing her to go mad with anguish. As a result, she went on a killing spree, seducing and murdering her own demonic male offspring and then slaying their children.
Yes, it was obvious that Lilith was pure evil and God & his angels were pure & noble.
Of course, the Lilith legend makes several fatal flaws. First and foremost is the fact that the Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God. It was precisely breathed from the heart of God. To alter the content of the Bible in even the smallest way results in man attempting to create God in his image. This is the false hope of Lilith who has been concocted in order to create a politically-correct image of equality. This, sadly, is more important to Lilith admirers, than the holy promise of eternal life provided by God.
At this point, I became a bit upset. “...concocted in order to create a politically-correct image of equality.” I hate when people throw around the term politically-correct. See, most people I know who get bent out of shape (so to speak) about political-correctness are people who are pissed that they can’t call a black person a n!%%3& to their face & have that recognized as acceptable discourse—instead, they are expected to treat a black person with respect. How horrible. So now that term has been connected to the concept of equality. WTF is wrong with equality? Ok, so individuals aren’t completely equal in ability. For example, I run faster than some people whereas others run faster than me. Hence, we do not have equal ability at running fast. But when it comes to deserving respect and dignity, yeah, we are all equal. Gender, skin color, religion (or lack thereof), ethnic background, sexual preference, where you live, occupation, whatever, if you aren’t being a jerk & doing things that hurt others, you deserve respect and dignity. And that is how we are equal. I don’t really want eternal life if I’m going to be disrespected just because I don’t have a penis. So I guess I’m a Lilith admirer. Fine. I suspect she’s not as evil as some make her out to be (and I hope some of the other beings described in mythology/religion aren’t the big jerks some inadvertently make them out to be).
Second, Lilith proponents allege that God believed he made a mistake in creating the “first woman.” Overlooking the obvious misconception of Lilith’s existence, it is, of course, quite impossible for a faultless and virtuous God to make mistakes.
Well, that’s easily rectifiable. Maybe this God isn’t faultless and sometimes isn’t as virtuous as s/he aspires to be? And come on. Not faultless? I was told the person called God who created Adam and Eve (and Lilith) is also the creator of all things. ALL THINGS. That includes stuff that sucks. Like cancer, hurricanes that destroy homes and allergies to pet dander. So this God created these things. They are not good things. They bring sadness and torment into people’s lives. Hence, this God does bear *some* fault for that stuff which sucks.
Lilith followers have also suggested that Isaiah 34:14 actually mentions Lilith. The verse, in the King James Version,…
Wait a minute. “…the King James Version”. Get that, Version. And let’s go back a bit. “To alter the content of the Bible in even the smallest way results in man attempting to create God in his image. This is the false hope of Lilith…” Yeah, and apparently the false hope of some other “pious” folk, too.
Fourth, Lilith proponents mix images of sex into the sacred spiritual relationship that God cultivated for man. Many paintings and depictions of Lilith present her in lewd poses, often times kissing a female demonic figure. The lesbian imagery has become quite synonymous with the legend.
WTF is the big deal with sex? Humans *are* sexual beings. If we weren’t, we’d be extinct. And miserable. Why can some people use their God and scripture to tell other people how they are supposed to have sex (position: missionary; partner: must be male-female, occurrence: well, not when she has her period; motivation: only to make more babies to grow to worship our God). But when other people challenge that rigidity with something, well, something that could potentially be more spiritual, those people are blasphemers? And what if it wasn’t so much lesbianism that Lilith (or the people who brought us the Lilith Fair) advocated, but just that women respect each other and cooperate–not to bring harm to men–but to do good things that help people who need help? On a BBS I once read a person post that when gay people have sex it *does* directly hurt her because when gay people have sex they make her god sad and when her god is sad, so is she and that hurts, hence why gay people should not have sex because it does hurt other people. I suspect the people who wrote this Lilith Fair advisory would support her weak little argument.
Many young people no doubt attend the Lilith Fair concerts not knowing the demonic legend of the mystical woman whose name the series manifests.
Probably not. Does it really matter? What if they figure the name was picked because it’s Sarah McLaughlin’s grandmother’s name and the kids are just there to listen to good music? Oh, wait, they may be inclined to learn about religious beliefs other than those of their parents! So what, you can still be a good person no matter what your religious beliefs are (Christian, Judaism, Buddha, Wicca, no gods, the Pantheon, Thor, Jasmine, Elrond). Also, just because some one learns about other religious beliefs, that doesn't mean that person is going to give up their old beliefs.
It should be noted that the Lilith Fair does donate a portion of earnings to the worthy Breast Cancer Fund. However, it also supports Planned Parenthood and dispenses condoms at all concerts, promising this year to dole out more condoms than ever.
Great, all the more reason for me to support Lilith Fair (if it were still active).

National Liberty Journal has been heavily criticized for past “Parents Alerts,” specifically the one which warned of the homosexual connection to the Teletubbies childrens TV series. (Later media reports, of course, revealed that NLJ had simply reported what the gay press had been discussing for months.) This Lilith Fair alert is certain to draw more fire, but we are willing to take the heat in order to document the truth behind the benign appearance of this music festival.
And what a great and noble thing, to sacrifice yourself at the alter of righteousness like that. Wow. Jebusfarkingcrackers. This “persecution” thing that so many groups have going on is just damn annoying.
In conclusion, this article from the National Liberty Journal is a POS. I am angered that they put the word “
Liberty” in their name. Their article shows me that they really don’t give a f*ck about liberty.

*Ok, so Nike goes with the Zeus/Jupiter gang, but I seperated her b/c the shoe is pretty well known but the origin of the name, a pagan *female* god, isn't so much known.


Blogger Chris The Grey said...

Wow this is like Physics meets theology, while stopping off to chat with Kevin Smith…

12:55 PM  
Blogger jenni said...

I haven't looked into it, but I heard some places in Ohio are once again trying to have creationism taught in science class along side evolution. Right. Creationism is *not* science. Maybe a variety of creation theories/myths can be taught in history or even English/literature/reading or comparative religion. And by a variety of creation theories/myths, I mean Christian ones and non-Christian one. (The various kingdoms of Egypt had some really interesting ones, also the Maya culture, and quite a few tribes in Africa). But teaching it as science? That is just wrong.

1:16 PM  

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